
Monday, December 6, 2010


ahaha , can't wait for tomorrow (: rseven class outing ;D okay , maybe like one quarter of rseven . but oh wells . gonna have fun i hope . i shall learn from my lesson and apply big blobs of sunblock .

anyway i went to the dentist yesterday evening ;D the dentist was super kind and friendly .and he was pretty good looking wahaha you did not just see this . okay anyway , he took a look at my teeth and surprisingly said that my teeth was very well maintained . like what , my teeth has always not earned the favour of any dentists ever . okay so i was happy larh . then he said my bottom row of teeth were pretty straight , it was like already after treatment so might not need to put braces there . or even if i put , i don't need to extract any teeth from the bottom row (: but i will still have to consult the orthodontist . then , there was like this big shocker . he said i still have one milk tooth . like WHUT -.- i thought i had plucked all out already . that time i extracted four consequetively D: but he couldn't be sure . anyway , did the molding for the braces . haha it's like this big piece of gum or something to create the shape of my teeth . then went for the x-ray . ohmygosh the xray was darn cool . afterwards i could see all my teeth and the roots . so yeah , that milk tooth really was a milk tooth ): i could see the adult tooth behind it through the x-ray . so i'll have to extract that milk tooth plus two other teeth to create space on top .

oh yes then through the x-ray i could actually see my wisdom tooth (: apparently most people have four wisdom teeth which creates a lot of problems for them . i only have one !;D it was so cute . only the crown was formed . haha the dentist said it was very rare not to have four wisdom teeth (: maybe i have enough wisdom already ;D hmm , so in future if i have any wisdom tooth complications , it'll only happen to one (: ahaha .

apparently the dentist said that extraction was the worst part of putting braces . that's a bit weird wahahaa . but then , i'll still have to consult the orthodontist . his schedule is super packed , so i'll have to wait till the twentysecond of december . so i'll probably put on my braces when school has already reopened ):

kay can't wait for tomorrow (:

love ,
liyin .

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