Hello friends :-)
Guess who's EYAs have finally ended? No prizes for guessing though, so sorry but yes MY EYAs ARE OVER and I feel so amazing to get this load off my back finally. It's crazy and surreal to return home and not start studying immediately and I can safely say that I have definitely tried my best for this round of exams and I'm very happy and proud of myself, whatever the results are, which is a feeling very unlike what I felt for my mid-year exams.
The last paper was Math yesterday (20 September 2013) and it's was really funny because a few minutes before time was up, a lot of us were looking around smiling and starring at the second hand of the clock countdown to our liberation. After the paper, Bellyboing (minus Sarah who had CCA - which is ridiculous - we missed you!) headed down to Upper Thomson for our post-EYAs feast!
I brought them there because Upper Thomson is really one of my favourite places in Singapore and I really wanted them to experience it, just like how I brought Channel 5 there earlier this year :-) There's going to be a ton of photos in this post because we were all super crazy yesterday!
We were just standing right beside the road and it was super dangerous
And this was how we took the photos - Shermaine very recklessly balanced her camera on the railing - if it dropped, it would go onto the road. It was also incredibly windy that day so the camera was shaking a bit. (Oh yes, the photos for this post come from both Shermaine's and my camera!)
Safe photos = one less person but that's alright (x
So we headed to Old School Delights which is one of the most amazing food places, in my opinion, just because the decor there is so creative and it really brings back a lot of memories the first time you head there. The food is actually really good as well. The boings really liked the place a lot; there's no reason not to, really.
The wooden box filled with old school toys that's on every table!
The chalkboard that used to be in every classroom :') I think it's nice that they actually update the board - look there's the Despicable Me minions!
Very happy kids!
Phionna, Swan & Shermaine!
Priya, Wang You & myself!
Ordering with the whiteboard - it's fun and super convenient and I think it saves time for the place as well because they don't have to take down your orders.
Old school toys that they sell! :-)
:-) H A P P Y
Priya! :-) (you look super pretty here please make this your profile picture or something)
Phion! :-) who was very upset that she didn't bring a change of clothes!
Shermaine! :-)
Wang You :-) :-)
Our drinks came! Lemon tea for Shermaine and Wang, Phionna's Milo Dino and my favourite Barley-Lime juice - super refreshing.
It's a known fact that the Boings love chicken :') So of course we had to order hehe Big Basket O' Wings! I felt that this wasn't as good as the Tuckshop Wings I had with Channel 5 the last time I was here though.
They reminded me a lot of the chicken wings my grandma used to make :')
Phionna & Wang both got Black Pepper Chicken & Chips! :-) I stole a piece from Phionna and it was really good - it has such a unique flavour because normally black pepper chicken wouldn't be deep fried but this was and it worked well.
Shermaine's Chicken Macaroni Soup! :-)
Swan's Hor Fun! :-)
Priya's Nasi Lemak featuring namecard from OSD :-)
And I tried their Old School Heritage Mee Siam :') I would definitely eat it again - it was very warm and comforting for my tummy.
After satisfying our hunger (HAHA we were all complaining of hunger before we ate because math sucks our soul and energy like that), we took a few more photos outside the shop itself!
:-) :-) S A T I S F I E D
Honestly I think we can all see the joy written all over our faces!
After food, we headed across the road for more food :') Please pardon our gluttony habits, we are newly free kids and needed to celebrate! We went to my favourite ice cream parlour - Salted Caramel! Thank you Boings for allowing me to bring you guys to my favourite places :-) Hopefully y'all liked it as much as I do!
Matcha flavoured!
Cookies & Cream and my favourite - Salted Caramel!
Sherm snapping a photo of the namecard hehe but she didn't manage to focus on the words - until she learnt about the Macro function of her camera (;
PRIYA :-) (hehe this was the photo with the super bad lighting but I think I managed to do some justice to it!)
Shermaine and I!
With Wang and Swan :-) (who looks more interested in something else rather than taking a photo)
Priya, Phion and Shermz!
Waiting not-so-patiently for Shermaine to set up a good position for her camera to take timer shots!
And when we're ready (come and get it na na na na), here are the photos from Sherm's camera - they are super duper overexposed though. We all look like ghosts.
YAY :-)
So that sums up the afternoon I had immediately after EYAs - it was super fun and relaxing! I headed to Thomson Plaza to get one of the books that I've been dying to read for the longest time ever - "The Time Keeper" by Mitch Albom. The previous time I was at Popular, I told myself I'd get the book only after my EYAs ended and at first, I thought that they ran out of stock but there was one last copy - super grateful for it! :-) Mitch Albom's one of my favourite authors - even though his books aren't very good as literature books (i.e. analyzing deeper meanings/ metaphors etc.), the message that he sends through his books are always incredibly meaningful and tells us something about life so I'm really quite excited to start reading this.
There are so many things I want to do right now and for the first time in a long time, I can finally do it :') And blogging more regularly is definitely one of them!
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