
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hi, I'm back. 
Evidently, I have been very lazy. Or rather, I've been occupied with things that I enjoyed doing - I love writing and blogging but it felt good to take a break from it. Sometimes, I check the number of views I was still getting on this blog even without updating and I felt a little bit guilty. Don't worry though, guilt is not something I would allow to motivate me to do something - I'm back because I enjoy blogging. 

So, what have I been doing recently? 

Well, I've been baking,

spending time with people I love (not limited to Channel 5 of course), 


and thinking & reflecting, a lot. 

It's really crazy how 2012 is almost coming to an end and sometimes it  makes me happy thinking about what has happened so far and most of the time, I honestly end up feeling so blessed and fortunate. 2012 has been a rollercoaster ride for me, with so many ups but an equal amount of downs. I've learnt to let go, and to stay positive no matter what because I really believe that everything, everything, happens for a reason, whether we know it or not.

If the world were to end on the 21st of December this year (in which it probably won't, but still), I can safely say that I am not afraid at all. First, it's because everyone would perish together and there won't be any heartbreaks due to missing a loved one. More importantly, because I feel like although I've not accomplished anything much, I have lived my short 15 years to the fullest - I have dared to take risks and I've been a pretty happy person most of the time.

Today, in the midst of a massive cleanup of my room, I found so many lovely cards and letters that I've accumulated over the years and just reading through them one by one made me feel like I meant something to someone else and I just felt so loved. It's definitely a pity that these letters were hidden under piles of useless junk (I am a really really messy person, trust me) so I used them to decorate a underused cork board I had lying around. Now, that cork board is filled with so much love and it's displayed in an extremely prominent position in my room because I know that in 2013, it will definitely be something that I will turn to quite often whenever I feel utterly horrible about myself or if I ever need a quick perk me up.

If the world were to end on the 21st of December, I will miss the love I've felt from my friends and family the most.

I caught 12/12/12 12:12 today.

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