i'm going to keep my post simple and sweet (: with no photographs or quotes or whatnots .
so yeah , it's in the midst of the EYAs . english lit 's done , english lang 's done , chinese 's done , english situational writing 's done , chinese compo 's done . i'm left with geography , which is tomorrow , history , math and biology . YES , THE SUBJECTS THAT KILL PEOPLE'S BRAINS .

LOL , when i was mugging for geog i scribbled this on paper D:
i just cramped stuff into my mind . OMG , pointless , but necessary ): i can now recite everything . but i think my mind will just go *BLANK* once i'm in the exam room . oh and today 's chinese paper was a terrible killer . seriously .
ARGH . i really am studying more than what i actually did last year for psle . furthermore , there's so many more subjects . I'M CRAMPING EVERYTHING INTO MY SMALL BRAIN . grrrrrrr . oh wells . think about the freedom after exams (: it'll keep me going ;D
oh yeah , i know psle's already started , but it has not ended yet so ...
and EOYs / EYAs for EVERYONE ELSE (:
haha , oh but at least those supplements like oral and pts would be able to pull my overall grades higher . hee , i got back my biology pt . and ZOMG , i got 19/20 ! ;DD yay yay hahahha . and for english oral i got 18/20 (: so happy . ahahaha .
okay ,
done (:
shall revise MORE geog till it's stuck in my head . when i say stuck , i mean stuck ;D
love ,
liyin (:
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