Hello friends :-)
So this past week has been pretty eventful, especially on Thursday and Friday (9 & 10 January) because I went back to RGS to crash Year One Orientation 2014 with a few other old, graduated kiddos. It honestly felt quite surreal and strange to me because this marks the fifth Orientation I've been through/ witnessed and every year, it's a special process. From experiencing it myself as a Year One, to slowly stepping up and inducting the new ones into the family to really leading everything and finally taking a backseat and watching everything from an "outsider's" perspective, in a way.
Every minute in this school compound as a graduated girl makes me feel genuinely old and it makes me miss the school and the people to an even greater extent. It just scares me how quickly we were being "replaced" as soon as my batch stepped out from the school a few months back. I know, it's an immature and weird analogy but it was really how I felt and I can't believe that I myself will be going through another round of Orientation, this time as the new ones of the school, soon. I wish I could cling on to RGS forever and even though it's been a pretty long, rocky and tough journey, the wonderful times undoubtedly made up for it.
Look at the pinafores of the new Year Ones - it's a different shade of blue (a lot brighter compared to the usual one) and I personally do not like it/ am not used to it.
Anyway, back to Orientation itself! :-) This post is going to contain a whole load of photos because that's what observers usually do (take photos) when they are not involved in the activity itself. Or they really just like to camwhore, as much as I hate that word. So, Angie, Cheryl and myself (SIMU 2013) decided to come back to watch and participate in the very last Raffles Initiation (RI) Session where the school cheers are taught to the Year Ones.
Up in the gallery! :-)
Great job SIMU 2014 - so sorry I don't know the Year Threes but Alex, Michelle & Beatrice, you guys are doing wonderful! It must have been quite difficult having to work with only three RI sessions when we had around 5-6 last year and were already struggling a little but you guys did your best and I can tell that the Year Ones do appreciate the Raffles cheers and spirit, especially Unite. That cheer never fails to wow the little ones. Oh, and thanks for drawing attention to the three of us at the back of the hall all of a sudden - we were very touched that y'all actually mentioned us even though we were in the midst of um butt slapping each other. Hopefully the new Year Ones still think we are cool seniors (of course, in their eyes, you guys will be the coolest seniors forever!)

After RI session, we finally got a chance to have a proper SIMU Year Four lunch... in the school canteen. At first, we planned to go out but we were all too lame (or at least Angie and myself were) so we stayed and had great food here hur hur. The company was lovely though - I sometimes wished I got to spent more time with SIMU because apart from Orientation last year, we rarely really met face to face properly.

Following that, it was time for House Challenge (i.e. station games) but this year, they had individual house time first, which was definitely good and useful for the Year Ones to get to know Waddle House Comm personally. Again, thanks for drawing attention to this old senior here as well :-) I must admit, though, that it feels really different when they introduce you as the "ex-House Capt" or the "ex-SIMU member" or anything like that - you feel so much older and wiser and it just feels strange to suddenly have all the attention on you again for 5 seconds when you've already let everything go. It was also surreal seeing YINGfinite (Karyn & Jiaying) really take charge and talk to the new batch of Waddlians! Oh my little babies, so proud of them :')
With Karyn! :-) Whoop whoop my successor keke all the best you're already doing amazingly!
The new batch of Waddlians are insane by the way - definitely the loudest bunch compared to the other Houses so I'm extremely happy for them. They'll have a wonderful time at House Practices, hopefully.
Normally during House Station Games, I'd be running around trying to mingle with Year Ones but this year, I took a backseat (of course) and lounged in the canteen, catching up with a few of Wi5ever (House Capts + V Capts of 2014). Oh and I don't think I mentioned this earlier but Mel and Huiying came for Station Games as well :-)
We decided to imitate a Hi5 (our House Capts) shot when they came back to visit for House Practice - except it was only the three of us so :-(
5ever conducting debrief at the end of House Challenge!
I think House Challenge went really well so well done you guys :-) It was quite hilarious because I actually brought the
butterscotch & chocolate chip cookies I baked for Waddle House Comm and Karyn gave it out to them at the amphitheatre where they weren't allowed to eat and they were just trying to hold it in their hands because it was crumbly too. The moment debrief ended, they all got up and started running towards the canteen :') It was such a funny yet heartwarming sight.
Just look at them running oh my goodness when the other Houses are all still sitting down (and watching them) HAHAHA I'm so sorry guys.
The cookies :-)
Oh dear I think Annette dropped her cookie on the floor or something and she started tearing up and laughing at the same time - she was probably really high from everything in the day. Everyone was crowding around her and it was quite a funny sight :') Waddle House Comm is so full of nonsense but that's really why I love them so much.
Yay Waddle House Comm'14 photo - not full though :-( And one extra addition on the floor trying to get attention hur hur
Apart from Huiying and Mel, several Fries (VCapts'13) came too after Station Games, namely Richelle, Jasmine and Ragini and we headed to Far East to have dinner before we head back to catch the Night Surprise for the Year Ones.
This is probably the prettiest Far East photo I've ever had to be honest :-)
Before going back to school though, Ragini and myself went to ION to get a cupcake for Weiting (it was her birthday that day! :-)) on behalf of 5ever and also Miss Cheong's breakfast for the next day.
Jing En came for Night surprise YAY :-) My favourite yellow buddy!
Barney photo! We actually imitated the exact Barney photo but I shall not upload it here. Oh, and at this point in time, Minglu and Van were also in school for Night Surprise.
I thought that the juniors pulled off Night Surprise really well judging by the constraints they faced such as stricter rules and tighter regulations (I was sneaking around their Orientation documents). It was still incredibly entertaining and I think the Year Ones absolutely loved it! Jing En and I also felt like it was very Guides-ey because of the fact that it was held in the amphitheatre and there were glowsticks and candles. No surprise, considering three out of the four head prefects are Girl Guides themselves, though I don't think that's the main reason.
After night surprise, nope - we didn't just go home! We had more exciting things planned for the day and that's our very first Channel 5 sleepover at Van's house. It's quite funny how we only got to having a sleepover after our term ended because if we did it before, I have a feeling we'd be able to get more work done and pull all-nighters together. Then again, we might have digressed a lot with each other's company. It wasn't too late anyway, hopefully we'll spend more time in future together!
A flying fairy helped us take this photo near the main gates of RG while we were waiting for Van's mum to come and pick us - I love this!
And the craziness started at night when we were all clean and fresh! Channel 5 got to see how insane I was at night - I'd literally roll around everywhere in laughter and it's probably 10 times worse than how I act in the day. Even they were quite shocked by me and I can safely say that they are a group of people who have probably seen the worse of me. Our friendship was definitely taken to a whole new level :')
And then, Minglu came along.
Full Channel 5 after-bathing shot!
Midnight supper - the butterscotch cookies and chocolate mousse cake I baked! :-)
We had a really long night and when we finally got to sleeping, Mel still kept talking which is super typical of her and Huiying kept her company, listening attentively to her life story (which I've heard a few times because of our long 132 bus journeys together). In the middle of the night though, after futile attempts to cover my ears and covering my entire face with a pillow, I suddenly got up and snapped "WHAT THE F DAMN NOISY I CAN'T SLEEP" which I regret very much (I'm so sorry Mel) but it was effective and I managed to go back to sleep. After I shouted that though, Minglu suddenly stretched and hugged me and mumbled something incoherent which was so weird and in the morning, she said she was dreaming. It was quite hilarious though but Huiying and Mel decided to steal all of the blanket and left me freezing through the night :-( How naughty of them. Also, I'm not being a party pooper okay - Van and Minglu were sound asleep/ dreaming already.

Apart from that, we had a good night's sleep and woke up pretty late at 10am. This is how we look immediately after we get out from bed - plus a bit of washing up but yes this is ALL NATURAL CHANNEL 5 ;-)
Mirror shot whoop whoop.
Van actually lives pretty near my favourite food area to be in - Upper Thomson! So we took a nice morning stroll there to grab our breakfast plus lunch. It feels so great to have them as company right from the start of the day!
Since Old School Delights & Habitat Coffee both weren't open for business yet (wow we were actually early), we headed to Yi Jia Bakery House Café to grab something small and to hang out for a while. I've always passed by the place but never really gone in to try anything but we ended up eating quite a bit because of the lovely owner (I'm assuming) who kept giving us free food.
We only purchased three bun items (Van's walnut muffin & Mel and I both had a cheese and sausage bun) and four drinks (I didn't get any) but the owner came over to our table and gave us some items on the house.
Oh, Van and Huiying somehow got their house coloured straws so that was pretty cute too.
He gave us these three buns!
He also poured some snacks for us - these fried tapioca/ sweet potato sticks as well as cornflake & honey cookies! The service was definitely amazing and I think the owner is quite good at getting return customers. I, for one, will head back there for sure just because the people there were so friendly.
When Old School Delights opened at 11.30am, we made our way there and were the first customers for the day!
Lookin' great guys ;-)
With Mel & Huiying!
Somehow, none of us felt like eating main courses - perhaps because we were well fed at the Bakery House Café we patronized earlier so we ended up getting just sides and drinks.
Mel's lemon lime barley (which I usually get) and my iced Milo! :-)
Four servings of tuckshop wings (insanely insanely good chicken with the best sauce ever) and crinkle cut fries. Anyone who visits Old School Delights needs to try their tuckshop wings - not the other variations of their fried chicken - just tuckshp wings. You won't regret it, really. We were definitely very satisfied at the end of it all.
Love them so much - we had such a lovely morning/ afternoon together, reminiscing about the past year spent together and also what was in store for us in JC. Quite a few of us are against joining Council but we were fantasizing the possibility of the five of us all being House Captains again over there - it would be such an amazing yet surreal thing to happen. We were getting all excited about it before shooting the idea down because it's impossible.
Once our tummies were filled, we headed to this alley along the stretch of the shop houses and it was the perfect spot to take self-timer shots.
Then, when the self-timer was still running, Huiying spotted Beatrice Ng, one of my Waddle House Commers walking home from school and I decided to chase after her. The camera of course, still captured the shot and this was the result:
"erm what?"
"what's happening? where they'd go?"
"hey guys let's still smile!"
I don't know what happened but Minglu ended up chasing after me chasing after Beatrice and I even crossed the road halfway which was really weird and it left Minglu laughing like mad on the road.
And then we were back :-) Huiying's in the foreground looking on too. Back to taking self-timer shots whoop!
Our typical Channel 5 pose :')
Mel had to leave "after 5 more shots", in her words but yes she had to leave then so that was sad. We still went to our usual ice cream haunt - Salted Caramel and stuffed ourselves even more with ice cream and good conversation.
My single scoop peppermint brownie ice cream (which wasn't that good, in my opinion) & Minglu and Huiying's salted caramel & chocolate ice cream.
Van bought herself... a waffle without anything inside. Talk about going on a diet ;-)
Group photo - with self timer again of course!
Yay :-)
I look gross here but yup at this point after our ice cream, Van Chen had to leave (sadface) so it was down to Huiying, Minglu and myself. We took 132 to RGS because we wanted to catch the Orientation concert which is WiFive's first emceeing stint and also hang out around for a bit.

We went to 406 (my old classroom) and started planning for House Comm Camp and we were super excited and came up with so many wonderful plans that would be amazing if we could really execute it. As what Channel 5 is known for, we intend to push for everything and talk to the teachers as much till we finally get what we envisioned. Honestly, part of the reason why we felt like 2013 was a great year for House was because we kept pushing for things really obnoxiously to go our way. During Orientation alone last year, we pushed for House Practice to be held within the Orientation week, we pushed for House Station Games (of course), we pushed for House Dinner and even pushed for School Tour to be done by House Commers. Looking back, it's insane what we did to ourselves but it was worth it because we granted House a lot of time with the Year Ones :')
With my partners in crime!
At 406 yay so many memories honestly :')
We headed to the canteen to have dinner but as most of the stalls were already closed at that time, we had some sandwiches from the vending machine. We also peeked at the Orientation board filled with Post-its that the Year Ones wrote. It's always the place to see if any seniors were being "fangirled" - or rather, well-liked, as I much prefer to call it but this year, there wasn't an overwhelming number. It's always quite an interesting part of Orientation heh. Oh, and then Mr Faizal came by when we were reading the Post-its and pulled my duckie bag, saying "whoa even your bag is a duck?" It's quite funny considering I have been carrying that bag since last year and he didn't see it when he was my form teacher!
Afterwards, we headed to the gallery to get ourselves a nice spot to watch Orientation Concert from. Jiaying came along :')
Yay hehe I'm super proud of you and 5ever! :-) You guys organized House Challenge & Orientation Concert really well - it's amazing! You go gurl!
And of course, here's what we always do - take photos while we're waiting!
I must say, it was quite tiring having to sit through the entire concert possibly because the fatigue from the two days spent crashing Orientation was kicking in. It was mind-blowing though, seeing the passion the Year Ones had and how seriously they took their performances and everything. This is really just the start, young ones. Also, WiFive did an excellent job emcee-ing :-) It was quite a feat considering they even had to go through school after sleeping over there the previous night. Great job guys!

At the end of the concert, Mrs Poh, our principal went up to say a few words and she said something like "Let's put our hands together to thank your PSLs, your prefects, your House leaders and even your House Captains from last year" and she pointed to the three of us sitting at the gallery. We were truly stunned and shocked because during the concert, the entire hall was incredibly dark and we never expected that Mrs Poh would notice us, much less recognize and acknowledge us in front of everyone so that felt quite amazing and insane. We were freaking out a bit when everyone looked up and started clapping for us because honestly, we didn't do anything - we just showed up but the mere act of her acknowledging us meant a lot.
It ended our two days crashing Orientation really well and it has been so eventful. Thank you RG for having me and for allowing me to grow so much! You have been such a blessing. To the new Year Ones, even though none of you will see this, let your light shine.