It's been a while, it really has been. And now Singapore is on the brink of an impending lockdown again, a year from our previous one. I had this post sitting in 'drafts' for more than a month now, and I had initially written a paragraph detailing how grateful I was that my mental health and wellbeing is in a much better place, which was attributed to Singapore's progress heading towards some semblance of normalcy again - being able to meet up with friends, getting to explore the nooks and crannies of this island, and going back to the office.
Alas, that was short-lived. While I acknowledge my incredibly privileged position, it's challenging to keep spirits up when it seems like the whole world (or at least the human species + the systems we've created) is on the verge of collapsing. So here's Singapore, as seen through the lens of a Kodak single-use disposable film camera from late 2020 through to early 2021, especially since it may be illegal soon to head outside for "non-essential" activities. Even if there aren't any official restrictions in place, I'll be staying home as much as I can.

Bras Basah Complex
Second hand books galore
Christmas high tea at the Intercontinental - love the vibes, wasn't a fan of the food
Woke up at 5.30am to chase the sunrise around the Civic District - by far one of my favourite, favourite mornings in a long while
Never knew there were swings overlooking the Central Business District
Old school biscuit factory transformed into a quaint cafe
Happy birthday, best friend
Piet Mondrian vibes
Monochrome against the striking colours of the sunset
Carrying blooms to admire the blooms at Gardens by the Bay
From Mount Faber
Singapore is beautiful. Yet, she is also in a dire need for some healing, and not solely from the pandemic. The virus has exposed some of the existing cracks prevalent within our society, such as racism and xenophobia, and these conversations are long overdue. As a Chinese-Singaporean, the baseline is for me to educate myself on these issues and to actively become anti-racist - not simply sitting on the sidelines as a "neutral" party who doesn't transgress because that's not enough.
I'm not even going to mince my words. These two covid-filled years have been an absolute shitshow but I can't even begin to imagine how it must've been for so many others out there. Take care folks.