me with jerome lim , ian , travis and jamine! (the one with jasmine , take a closer look at me , im crying)
PHOTOS of the last day of school (pri school) . :'(
*sobs sobs. walao , today i cried like MADD!
came to school , then was like , kinda sad.
then thought negatively , eyes went A LITTLE LITTLE BIT red. then bibiana gave me this super nice present , damn damn nice. I lOVE YOU BIBIANA MEI! THANK YOU! very very nice , when i read the words on it , my eyes went watery , but luckily , tears didnt flow down YET.
then did assembly conductin for the last time with ian poy. still ok larh. then prize presentation and then performances by the classes.
hahas , which is ME & my class's skit. went to change.
i looked damn weird and ugly. cos i was FORCED to wear a dress or skirt. chose the latter. then perform perform , so nice(: everythin went quite smoothly. then after tat sat down and watch photo montage ... me and emily like , going to cry already. but , no officially.
after tat , mr ng called for the prefects to see him to give out the certs.
juniors were leaving , so i cried abit there , then rachael sim started also and then shu hui. seeing them makes me cry even harder. the worse was , i was cryin and laughin at the same time... like , wats wrong with me. sheila also cried.
then i ran to the toilet and changed back into uniform. i dashed up to my class , cos i thought the party started. but havent. still setting up. lols , then alina and johanah were givin presents... lols. i oso give my lousy present. hahas . then eat , play and take pictures. no tears.
then going to end liaos , lined up in twos outside the class. and we started shouting "6R7 万岁!". and then , i cried real badly. leanne , emily , fiona , xin rong , rachael , shu hui (i think) , weiping and a few others also cried. badly. then r4 was jus opposite mah . had some weird "shouting" competition. we also sang "祝你一路顺风" and tat was the killer which made most girls cry. then r4 was just opposite my class mah. then the gentlemen from r4 came to give us tissue paper. lols , unlike our class boys who didnt care. hahas . i only recognized 2 boys - brian hong & zhen ting. but rejected the tissue paper , which was selling for free , and was buy one get one free. lols ,
then walked down the stairs. and i told emily " this is the last time we'll be walking down these stairs" and she was like , "what the hell? why you tell me?" cos it made her cry even more. then went down. saw jasmine , joanne , zoelyn & chelsea in the toilet. cried and cried and hugged. OMG , i dun wish to leave siah. but still have to.
went to the bus stop . saw megan and jing jing. cried and cried with them.
like , omg siah. we cried all through the bus journey. lols.
okayyes , done.
i just wanna say
love you guys. (':
photo of the presents received(:
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